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Iowa Public Employment Relations Board

Steven Hoffmeyer

14020 42nd Avenue North
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BA, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN; JD, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN
Per Diem: 
Postponement Charge: 
One day per diem if the matter is postponed within 21 calendar days of the scheduled hearing date.
One day per diem if the matter is postponed within 21 calendar days of the scheduled hearing date.
Additional Charges: 
A hearing day is any portion of a day up to 8 hours. Time for research and preparation is prorated. Travel time - per diem for any portion of a travel day up to 8 hours, on non-hearing days, fee is prorated. Expenses -- charges actual cost of reasonable expenses including airfare, train, car rental, food and lodging.
Employment History: 
Instructor, University of Phoenix, labor law (2005 to June 2017), faculty chair (2009 to June 2017), awarded Distinguised Faculty award 2010; MN Public Employment Relations Board (Interim General Counsel & Executive Director, February 2015 - July, 2019 (retired))); MN Bureau of Mediaton Services: Commissioner (January 2009-11), Deputy Commissioner (October 2003 to January 2011), Mediator and Hearing Officer (2002-03, January 2011-September 2016 retired) conducting representation hearings, contract and grievance mediation, training and labor management committee facilitation; Labor Relations Advocate, Hennepin Co., MN, responsible for contract administration, bargaining and grievance activity for largest county in MN (1995-2002); Senior Human Resource Respresentative, EEO Specialist and Supervisor, Hennepin Co, MN. MN Department of Human Rights Enforcement Office 11 and Mediator and was member of MN Association of Professional Employees and participated in Meet and Confer Activities (1985-91); Private law practice (1983-85).
National Academy of Arbitrators: 
Pacesetter Award from MPELRA; American Bar Assn. and subcommittee on State and Local Government Collective Bargaining, MN Bar Assn.
Neutral Listings: 
DC Public Employees Relations Board, IL Educational Labor Relations Board, MI Employment Relations Commission, MN Bureau of Mediation Services, MT Board of Personnel Appeals, US Virgin Island Public Employee Relations Board, WA Public Employment Relations Commission, WI Employment Relations Commission. OTHER LISTINGS: National Mediation Board. PERMANENT PANELS: National Archives and Record Administration/American Federation of Government Employees, Hill Air Force Base/AFGE, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Neutral Experience: 
PUBLISHED AWARDS: MKM Machine Tool Co., 123 LA 769 (Hoffmeyer, 2007) and cited in Contra Costa Water District and Stationary Engineers Local 39 (2007) cited as 2007 NAC 124, and cited in 187 LRRM 550 (2010) and Walt Disney World, 127 LA 335 (Abrams 2010). ATTENDED: "Administrative Law: Fair Hearing", The National Judicial College, Oct. 2002, "Becoming a Labor Arbitrator", FMCS, April 2004. CERTIFICATIONS: Minnesota District Court Mediation Certificate, 1989. Industries: Education, Food, Government, Health Care, Hospital/Nursing Home, Office Workers/Clerical, Plumbing, Police and Fire, Printing and Publishing, Prison Guard, Restaurants, Transportation, and Utilities. Federal, Public and Private sectors. Issues: Affirmative action, absenteeism, arbitrability, bargaining unit work, conduct, demotion, discipline (Non-Discharge) discipline (Discharge), discrimination: age, disability, race, sex, religion, national origin, drug/alcohol offenses, Fringe Benefits: bonus, holiday, insurance, leave, vacation, grievance mediation, health/hospitalization, hiring practices, job performance, job posting/bidding, jurisdictional disputes, layoffs/bumping/recall, management rights, official time, past practices, pension and welfare plans, promotion, retirement, safety/health conditions, seniority, sexual harassment, strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, slowdowns, subcontracting/contracting out, tenure/reappointment, union security, Wages: cost-of-living, holiday pay, incentive pay, job classification and rates, merit pay, overtime pay, severance pay, vacation pay, work hours/schedules/assignments, working conditions/work orders, violence or threats.
Current Employment/Associations that could cause a conflict: 
Monday, October 14, 2019

Printed from the website on August 31, 2024 at 10:13pm.