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Iowa Public Employment Relations Board


Question Answer
Can I as an employee in a bargaining unit petition PERB to "decertify" my certified employee representative? If supported by at least 30% of the employees in the represented bargaining unit, an employee in the unit can petition PERB to hold a “representative decertification” election to determine whether the unit’s existing representative will be “decertified” and cease to be the unit’s bargaining...
I want out of the union; how do I do that? Initially, an employee in this situation needs to understand the concepts of the “bargaining unit” and how an employee organization becomes “certified” as the bargaining unit’s exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining with the public employer, discussed in the answer to the...
Can I as an individual employee petition PERB to "certify" a union to be my representative? No. Although a “bargaining unit determination” petition may be filed by a public employee, only an employer or an employee organization seeking to represent a bargaining unit can petition for a “representative certification” election. Consequently, an employee interested in being represented by an...
How does an employee organization become "certified" by PERB to represent a bargaining unit of employees? An employee organization becomes the legal representative of a bargaining unit by petitioning PERB to hold a secret-ballot election among the employees in that unit to see if they choose to be represented by that employee organization. Every employee who is employed in the bargaining unit on...
How do I electronically file a document? You must first request an E-Flex account and have your E-Flex account approved by PERB before you can file. The link to request an E-Flex account, the information sheet regarding e-filing and helpful tips when e-filing ("cheat sheet") can be found on the e-filing login page.
Will there by any meetings with the presiding officer before the hearing? In some cases the hearing officer will schedule a prehearing conference before the hearing. The prehearing conferences are typically telephonic and may be set to discuss items such as scheduling, narrowing the issues in dispute, and discussing the number of witnesses each side expects to call at...
How would I find out the name of the employee organization as certified by PERB? A copy of the employee organization’s certification can be found on PERB’s website under UNITS . The list is organized alphabetically by employer name.
How will I know if my filing was received? When a user submits an electronic filing, the e-filing system will automatically generate a receipt of filing and send it to the user's provided email address. Please note that receiving a notice of receipt does not mean the filing was accepted . Instead, once PERB reviews the submission, the user...
What if I am unable to attend a hearing? If you have a good reason for not being able to attend a scheduled hearing, you must immediately file a written request asking the presiding officer to continue the hearing to another date. You will need to state the specific reasons for the continuance. Iowa Administrative Code 621 – 2.5. If you...
How would I find out what positions are in a bargaining unit? A copy of the employee certification order and any amendments can be found on PERB’s website under UNITS . The list is organized alphabetically by employer name. The order will list all positions included in the bargaining unit either by original order or by subsequent amendments.


Printed from the website on May 12, 2024 at 11:20pm.