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Iowa Public Employment Relations Board

Interest - Based Cooperation (IBC)

Interest-Based Cooperation (IBC) Problem-Solving Process

Interest-based cooperation (IBC) is a problem-solving process to be utilized by parties involved in either Labor-Management Committees (LMCs) or Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB).The process is used in LMCs to address workplace issues and in IBB as an alternative to the traditional, adversarial approach for settling contract impasses. The purpose of IBC, like that of the traditional process, is to secure peaceful resolution of labor relations issues. However, utilizing IBC may also address and resolve relationship or other underlying issues which remain after contract negotiations have concluded.

Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)

Interest-based bargaining (IBB) is a process designed as an alternative to the traditional, adversarial process to settle contract disputes.

The Public Employment Relations Act (PERA) requires labor and management to follow the statutory impasse procedures ending in binding arbitration (or an agreed upon impasse procedure) to resolve collective bargaining impasses. As the name suggests, IBB is founded on the principle that effective contract negotiations is based on interests and interdependence, not positions. That is even though labor and management know that each can influence the other's goals, they recognize that they need each other in order to accomplish their goals.

Labor-Management Committee (LMC)

A Labor-Management Committee (LMC) is an alternative dispute resolution process. An LMC is designed to build better working relationships through cooperation and problem-solving using consensus decision-making. An LMC is not intended to replace either contract negotiations or a contractual grievance procedure.

The initial focus of an LMC is to develop the LMC's statement of purpose and establish the LMC's groundrules. An LMC's statement of purpose varies according to labor's and management's needs. LMCs have been established to address specific issues, for example health care costs, as well as broader issues such as how to build and maintain trust at the work place.

On request, PERB will provide interested parties with a list and contact information of qualified PERB-trained ad hoc facilitators and a list and contact information for FMCS with whom the parties may contract or make arrangements directly for IBB and LMC facilitation services. PERB will provide IBB and LMC training at the mutual request of the parties and only if the parties agree to reimburse PERB for the facilitator's mileage and meals.


Printed from the website on July 22, 2024 at 12:25am.