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Iowa Public Employment Relations Board


Meeting Information
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - 10:00am
Meeting Location: 
Jessie Parker Building
510 East 12th Street Suite 1B
Des Moines, IA 50319
Meeting Agenda: 




Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:00 a.m.

Jessie Parker Building

PERB Law Library


I. Approval of agenda


II. Approval of February 7, 2018 minutes


III. Public Comment (Citizens are allowed to speak on any agenda item or general operation of the agency with the exception of item (VI.) and any other pending cases. Members of the public are allowed a 2 minute limit per speaker)


IV. Office status 

     * Consider revocation of certification for BU-0284, IBEW Local 55 for certain employees of Greenfield Municipal Utility for failure to pay the retention and recertification election fee under PERB Rule 5.1(2) and 5.6(5).

     * Review website services proposal from WEBSPEC concerning future work payable under OCIO grant awarded to agency.

     * Approve notice of intended action with proposed rule amendments to chapters Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 13.

     * Discuss and approve change in public hearing date (see previous item) from March 22 to April 4 for proposed rule amendments. 

V. Consider new and pending Cases  (Board may go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 21.5(1)(d),(f) if applicable)

     * None

VI. New Business ( Board may go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a),(i) if applicable)

     * None

VII.Next tentative meeting date is to be determined at a later date and will be held in the Jessie Parker Building.


Meeting Minutes: 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 10:06 a.m.
     Jessie Parker Building
     PERB Law Library

Present at meeting: Cormack, Van Fossen, Gannon, DeSmet, Machir, Sarajlija, Luttrell

I. Van Fossen moved to approve the agenda after adding the approval, with non-substantive changes, of proposed rule changes posted to the website, Gannon seconded; unanimously approved.

II. Van Fossen moved to approve the January 10, 2018 minutes, Gannon seconded; unanimously approved.

III. Public Comment: None

IV. Office status
     * Cormack moved to approve proposed administrative rule amendments to Chapters 4-7 and 13 and approved posting to website, Gannon seconded, unanimously approved.
     * The Board set a public hearing for the proposed administrative rule amendments to Chapters 4-7 and 13 on March 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Starkweather Room, Vocational Rehabilitation, Jessie Parker Building.
     * Board and staff reviewed and discussed a draft of a court reporter and transcript fee policy. Machir will make changes and will discuss again at a later board meeting.

V. Consider new and pending Cases  (Board may go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 21.5(1)(d),(f) if applicable)
     * None
VI. New Business ( Board may go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(a),(i) if  applicable)
     * None

VII. Next tentative meeting date will be held at 10:00 a.m. on February 20, 2018 in the Jessie Parker Building, Suite 1B, PERB Law Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

VIII. Adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

      Jamie Van Fossen, Board Member

Printed from the website on July 27, 2024 at 11:56am.