Official State of Iowa Website Here is how you know
Iowa Public Employment Relations Board

Can I find out in advance what witnesses and documents will be offered against me?


Yes. You can find out what evidence will be presented at the hearing in several
different ways.  You may simply ask the opposing party for copies of any records that are
relevant to the facts in your case. Another method is to use “discovery.”  Discovery can be
very formal and is done under the rules that apply in court for civil trials. These rules are
technical and you may want the assistance of a lawyer to use discovery. Generally,
discovery allows you to find out about the evidence against you by posing written questions,
asking for documents, and taking statements of opposing witnesses under oath in advance of
the hearing. Iowa Code § 17A.13 (2015). Finally, you may ask the presiding officer to
schedule a prehearing conference where the parties can discuss witnesses each intends to
call and exhibits the parties intends to offer.

Printed from the website on July 05, 2024 at 4:31pm.