Official State of Iowa Website Here is how you know
Iowa Public Employment Relations Board


Question Answer
What is E-Flex? E-Flex is a program on which PERB's e-filing system operates.
Can anyone attend the hearing? Generally, hearings are open to the public and anyone may attend. The hearing may be closed to the public only if some specific provision of law allows the hearing to be closed. Sometimes the witnesses must wait outside the hearing room until they are called to testify, referred to as sequestration...
How do I request interest arbitration? If the parties do not resolve their impasse at mediation, either party may request arbitration services. This request can be made ten days after the effective date of the appointment of the mediator, which is the date of the mediation session. If the request is made early, PERB holds the request...
Where can I find a list of determined bargaining units? PERB maintains a list of determined bargaining units on our website. From the main page of our website, click on “ UNITS .” The list of bargaining units is organized alphabetically by employer name.
What rules govern PERB's electronic filing system? Chapter 16 of the Iowa Administrative Code governs PERB's e-filing system. The full text of the rules are available here.
How should I prepare for the hearing? The notice you receive will refer to the sections of Iowa Code chapter 20 and PERB rules (Iowa Administrative Code) that apply to your case. You should review those statutes and rules before the hearing. The hearing provides an opportunity for each party to call witnesses, cross examine the other...
Can I submit my request for impasse services electronically? At this time, all requests for impasse services must be emailed to using the form provided on our website under FORMS .
How do I initiate a new case? Depending on the type of case you need to initiate you will need to go to the FORMS section on the PERB website and fill out the correct form for your case type. Then the documents will need to be e-filed using PERB's eFlex system . If you do not already have an account you will need to request an...
Do I have to file my documents electronically? Yes, all documents in adjudicatory hearings must be electronically filed unless exempted by PERB subrule 621-16.4(2)
Will there by any meetings with the presiding officer before the hearing? In some cases the hearing officer will schedule a prehearing conference before the hearing. The prehearing conferences are typically telephonic and may be set to discuss items such as scheduling, narrowing the issues in dispute, and discussing the number of witnesses each side expects to call at...


Printed from the website on July 26, 2024 at 9:53pm.